RULING FORMAT: Team (A or B) in possession, down, distance and succeeding spot (example: A 1/10 A40). If relevant, also include other information such as whether the 25 or 40-second play clock will be used, whether the game clock starts on the ready or snap or if there will be an extension of the period.

1. PLAY: Third and 10 on B's 30. A17's legal forward pass, in the direction of A89, is intercepted by B44 in B's end zone where he is downed. B44 pushed A89 out of the way before intercepting the pass and was flagged for defensive pass interference. Enforcement of the penalty results in A 1/10 B15. Replay shows that (a) the pass was touched by a player or an official before B44 pushed A89; and (b) B44 voluntarily stepped out of bounds before returning inbounds to intercept the pass. Reviewable?

2. PLAY: Second and 14 on A’s 6. A16 rolls out and his entire body is in A’s end zone when he starts his passing motion to intentionally ground the pass. When the ball is released, the ball is over A’s goal line with part in the field of play and part in A’s end zone. The ball lands on A's 4. Reviewable?

3. PLAY: Second and 16 on A's 4. A14 drops back into A's end zone and fumbles the ball. While the fumble is airborne over A's end zone, B96 bats the ball to A's 2 where B65 recovers while grounded. Clock?

4. PLAY: Third and 10 on A's 30. A34 advances to A's 38 near the sideline where he fumbles and there is a pileup for the ball. The officials rule that A74 recovered the ball inbounds on A's 42 while grounded. Replays show that B66 had his hand on the ball with his foot touching the sideline when A74 grabbed the ball while inbounds on A's 42. Reviewable?

5. PLAY: Free kick on A's 30. Score: A28-B28. Quarter: 4. Game clock: 0:01. Weather: Rain. A4's free kick is at rest in the field of play (official is emphatic) one yard from the goal line pylon when B86 dives on the ball (legal touching). The ball hits the goal line pylon before B86 gains control of the ball. Time expires during the down.

6. PLAY: Fourth and 2 on B's 17. Extra period. First series. A7's field goal is successful. After the score and as the teams are walking away, B92 pushes A7 down and then taunts him on B's 17.

7. PLAY: Third and 9 on B's 46. Ball carrier A88 is hit on B's 39 at the sideline and falls forward and out of bounds. When the ball is declared dead in possession of A88, the ball is outside the sideline at B's 37 extended. The ball, in possession of A88, crossed the sideline on B's 38-1/2. Reviewable?

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu / October 11, 2010 / (q-1007q)