1. RULING: Touchdown. A try B3. No player should put the ball in play before the ready for play (4-1-4). A dead ball is ready for play when, with the 40-second play clock running, an official places the ball at an inbounds mark or between the inbounds marks and steps away to his position (2-2-4-a). The ball became a live ball with the snap and the clock operator starts the clock. The fact that the referee did not start the clock is not relevant. (kw091110)

2. RULING: B 1/10 B6. A88 became an exception to the mandatory numbering when the snapper adjusted the ball. A88 must be covered at the snap. The fact that A88 was on the end of the line after the snapper adjusted the ball and before the snap is not an infraction of Rule 1-4-2-b-Exception. The fact that A88 was covered at the snap governs. [ja061504](kw092010)

3. B 1/10 A33. No Team A player may block an opponent until Team A is eligible to touch a free kicked ball. A87 commits an illegal blocking foul. The touching by B92 is ignored since he touched the ball as the result of the block by A87. Since the ball did not go 10 yards nor was touched by a Team B player, A82 committed an illegal touching violation which is an illegal recovery. Team B will accept the 5-yard penalty from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B. Team B could, but will not, accept the penalty enforced from the previous spot. If A82 recovered on A's 42, it would be A f/k A25.

4. RULING: A f/k A30. Team B scores two points. DQ A66. The penalty for A66's flagrant personal foul is declined by rule. If A66's foul occurred after Team B possession, the 15-yard penalty would be enforced on the succeeding free kick making it A f/k A15. If Team B was offside on this play, the score would not count, the fouls would offset, the penalties would cancel and it would be A retry B3. NOTE: The official who calls the foul must be aware when team possession changes. The replay official is out of it. (dj092010)

5. RULING: A 1/10 B16. The ball remains a live ball when an offensive player has simulated a kick or is in position to kick the ball held for a place kick by a teammate. The ball may be kicked, passed or advanced by rule. If the kicker moves away, perhaps to block, then grounded A3 causes a dead ball. The ball would also remain a live ball if an opponent was able to snatch the ball or bat the ball from the holder's hands while the holder was in a kneeling position. The ball would become dead if the holder catches or recovers the ball while grounded after the kick is blocked.

6. RULING: A 1/10 A30. Delay of game. The foul occurred after the previous series ended and before the ready for play. The ready for play is given by the referee in this play. The 5-yard penalty is enforced before the line to gain is established. It would be a dead ball foul and A 1/15 A30 if there was an illegal snap after the ready for play.

7. RULING: A 1/10 B33. During a scrimmage down, defensive players are prohibited from blocking an eligible Team A receiver below the waist beyond the neutral zone unless attempting to get at the ball or the ball carrier. A Team A receiver remains eligible until a forward pass is no longer possible by rule. If the block occurred in or behind the neutral zone, there would be no foul because there was no kick.

Rom Gilbert / gilbertr@atlantic.net / September 27, 2010 / (q-1005a)