1. RULING: B 1/10 B3; Snap. The 15-yard penalty for B66's postscrimmage kick foul is enforced half the distance from the end of the kick, B's 6. The tackle by A84 is not a foul unless (a) the contact was a personal foul; or (b) the signal by B44 was a valid signal. If the signal was a valid signal, the ball becomes dead on B's 8, the spot where B44 touched the ball. Then, enforcement of the penalty for the live ball foul by Team B followed by the penalty for the dead ball foul by Team A results in B 1/10 B19.

2. RULING: Touchdown. The final score is A21-B27. The try will not be played. The play should be shut down only if A78's action simulates action at the snap. In this play, Team A should not be given the extra time to get their act together if the call is a false start. Nor should Team B be deprived of the opportunity to gain possession when Team A commits a foul simultaneously with the snap as they did in this play.

3. RULING: A 1/10 B13; Snap. The play is reviewable. DQ B98. The 15-yard penalty for B98's personal foul is enforced half the distance from the previous spot, B's 26. The clock was stopped on the field for the touchdown. Time would have to be put back on the clock if replay rules a forward pass. The replay official can use the pass/fumble reason for purposes of review to adjust the game clock if he rules an incomplete pass.

4. RULING: A 1/10 B17; Ready. A16 recovers A33's fourth down fumble in advance of the spot of the fumble so the ball is returned to the spot of the fumble, B's 2. Team A earned a first down on B's 2 so will decline Team B's offside penalty. The 15-yard penalty for A16's dead ball foul is enforced from the succeeding spot, B's 2. If time expired in the fourth quarter during the down, Team A would accept the penalty for Team B's offside foul. The clock starts on the ready since the play is considered to have ended on B's 2.

5. RULING: Touchdown. A try B3. A14 throws an illegal forward pass from A's 26. B55 does not foul since the pass is not a legal forward pass. B55 may push A88 but may not pull A88 to get to the ball. It would also be a touchdown if this was a fourth down play.

6. RULING: A 4/21 A39; Snap. Team B is not in possession when the down ends. The illegal touching occurred in the field of play. Team B is likely to accept the penalty. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot, B's 46. Team B could elect to take the ball at the spot of illegal touching, B's 3. It would be B 1/10 B3. If A56 commits his foul during A67's advance, Team B could (a) decline the penalty and take the ball at the spot of illegal touching; or (b) accept the penalty with with the penalty enforced by the Three-and-One Principle.

7. RULING: B 1/10 B2; Snap. The result of the play is a free kick out of bounds even though the ball may not have crossed the plane of the sideline. There is no foul for a free kick out of bounds because a Team B player touched the ball. The ball remains a live ball in B's end zone since a Team B player touched the ball prior to the ball touching the ground in B's end zone. The ball becomes dead when touched by A88 who has a foot out of bounds. Since A88 never had possession of the ball, Team B is awarded the ball at the spot of the ball when touched by A88. The kick ended when the ball became dead.

Rom Gilbert / romgilbert@sfcollege.edu / September 6, 2010 / (q-1002a)