2. RULING: A f/k A20. Extend period. The score is A28-B30. Team B will accept the penalty enforced from the spot of the foul which results in a safety. The period is extended by rule. Team A has a better chance to score than if the fourth quarter was not extended but things look grim for Team A. NOTE: Based on other rule passages, it is reasonable to assume that Rule 10-2-4 does not really imply that the penalty must be enforced from the previous spot for Team B to have this option. The same logic would apply for Team A batting and kicking fouls. If the score was A28-B25, Team B will likely elect B 1/10 A29 with an untimed down.
3. RULING: Touchdown. A try B18. Dead ball foul (9-1-5-a). Rule 9-1-6 does not apply when there is interference with an official. The penalty may be enforced on the try or on the succeeding kickoff. Since there is no succeeding kickoff, the penalty is enforced on the try. In 2011, it could be that the touchdown may be disallowed and the penalty enforced from the yardline where the collision occurred. And, it could not be. [2010 NCAA Bulletin #2, Play 13]
4. RULING: A 3/5 B45; Ready. Game clock shows 0:29. Play clock set to 25 seconds. QB A16 must leave the game for one down even if Team A takes their final timeout. A16 may not return until cleared by his team's professional medical personnel. This new 2010 rule applies to all players. If Team A does take a timeout, the clock will start on the snap. Otherwise, the clock will start on the ready. [2010 NCAA Bulletin #2, Play 11] [2008 NCAA Bulletin #2, Play 11 (game clock and play clock guidelines)]
5. RULING: B 1/10 A48. Since the second spot of illegal touching, B's 22, is the same as the dead ball spot, then that spot can be the enforcement spot for fouls committed by Team A during the down. Since the first spot of illegal touching, B's 28, is not the same as the dead ball spot, this spot of illegal touching may not be used as the enforcement spot. The 15-yard penalty for A58's live ball personal foul is enforced from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, B's 22. The 15-yard penalty for A84's dead ball noncontact foul is then enforced from the succeeding spot, B's 37.
6. RULING: Touchdown. A try B18. Team B does not have the option to have the 15-yard penalty enforced half the distance for their series. Enforcement for dead ball fouls after the touchdown and prior to the try (live ball fouls penalized as dead ball fouls are handled the same way) is usually on the try or the succeeding kickoff. There are no kickoffs in extra periods so the penalty must be enforced on the try or declined. NOTE: Rule change in 2011.
7. RULING: B 1/10 B35. The touching occurred in B's end zone and the foul occurred during the punt. The options are (a) Team B may elect the touchback before the penalty is enforced. The 15-yard penalty is then enforced from B's 20. (b) Team B could also have the penalty enforced from the previous spot, B's 46. It would be A 4/21 A39. (c) If B74 recovered while grounded on B's 22, the 15-yard penalty would be enforced from this spot where the subsequent dead ball to team B, B's 22. It would be B 1/10 B37.