PSKE applies to [1] Fouls by Team B; [2] During a scrimmage kick; [3] Kick crosses neutral zone; [4] Foul occurs before kick ends; [5] Team B next puts the ball in play; and [6] Not a try, successful field goal or in extra periods. Penalty enforcement is according to the three-and-one principle with the postscrimmage kick spot as the basic spot.




4th/6 B46. A88 commits an illegal touching violation on B's 18. The ball rolls out of bounds on B's 14. B96 holds A54 on B's 48 during the kick.
B 1/10 B7. PSKE applies. By rule, Team B will next put the ball in play. (6-3-7)
4th/18 A32. A8 punts. Before A8 regains his balance, B96 rolls into A8's legs and wipes him out. The ball rolls out of bounds on B's 29.
A 1/10 A47. PSKE does not apply. Roughing and running into the kicker fouls have previous spot enforcement (9-1-16).
4th/12 B38. A8's untouched punt breaks the plane of B's goal line and is batted back into the field of play by A88. B44 muffs the ball on B's 2. A84 recovers on B's 3. B76 holds A84 on B's 18 during the kick.
A 4/2 B28. PSKE does not apply since Team A will next put the ball in play. If Team A declines the penalty, Team B may elect the touchback for A88's illegal touching violation.
4th/15 B45. A8's untouched punt breaks the plane of B's goal line and is batted back into the field of play by A88. B42 recovers on B's 4 while grounded. B76 holds A84 on B's 18 during the kick.
B 1/10 B9. PSKE applies with B's 20 the PSK spot. If Team A declines the penalty, Team B may elect the touchback for A88's illegal touching violation. [2-25-11 Special Case 2]
4th/8 B18. A8's untouched field goal attempt is wide right. B47 commits a personal foul on B's 14 during the kick.
B 1/10 B7. The PSK spot is B's 20. In an extra period, it would be A 1/goal B9.
[2-25-11 Special Case 1(b)]
4th/6 B26. A8's untouched field goal attempt is blown dead on B's 4. B47 commits a personal foul on B's 22 during the kick.
B 1/10 B11. The PSK spot is the previous spot, B's 26. In an extra period, it would be A 1/10 B13. [2-25-11 Special Case 1(a)]
4th/8 B28. A8's field goal attempt is successful. B56 clips A84 on B's 24 during the kick. Team A accepts the penalty.
A 1/10 B14. PSKE does not apply. Team A may cancel the score and accept the penalty enforced from the previous spot. If Team A takes the points, the penalty is not enforced from the succeeding spot.
4th/15 B45. A8's punt lands on B's 40, takes a reverse bounce and rolls out of bounds on A's 49. B76 clips A84 on B's 48 during the kick.
B 1/10 B33. The PSK spot is A's 49. The foul occurs behind the basic spot. Both spots are behind the neutral zone.
4th/15 B45. A8's punt is muffed by B44 on B's 19 and is rolling on B's 16 when an inadvertent whistle sounds. B76 holds A84 on B's 22 during the kick.
A 4/5 B35; Snap. PSKE does not apply. Rule 4-1-2-b-3 trumps Rule 10-2-3-a. Thus, Team B will not next put the ball in play. (4-1-2-b-3) (A.R. 4-1-2-I)
Rom Gilbert / pigskin@romgilbert.us / August 10, 2016 / (p-1608)