RULE 10-2-4: Penalties for all fouls by the kicking team other than kick-catch interference during a free kick play or a scrimmage kick play in which the ball crosses the neutral zone (except field goal attempts) are enforced either at the previous spot (Exception: Penalty option is a safety for fouls in Team A's end zone) or at the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, at the option of Team B. [6-1-8 & 6-3-13)




4th/13 A7. A4's punt is blocked and the ball rolls out of bounds on A's 6. A64 is flagged for holding in A's end zone.
Safety. A F/K A20 or B 1/goal A6. No tack-on. The kick did not cross the neutral zone
4th/13 A7. A4's punt is blocked and the ball rolls out of bounds on A's 8. A64 is flagged for holding in A's end zone.
Safety. A F/K A20 or B 1/goal A4. Tack-on. The kick crossed the neutral zone.
4th/18 A32. A4's punt is blocked and has not crossed the neutral zone. A4 then intentionally kicks the rolling ball on A's 24. The ball rolls out of bounds on A's 48.
B 1/10 A14. The kick crossed the neutral zone so tack-on is allowed. However, Team B will accept the 10-yard penalty, plus loss of down, enforced from the spot of the foul.
4th/6 B46. A4's punt is bouncing on B's 8 where it hits B44. After the ball crosses the goal line, A88 bats the ball. B44 picks up the ball in B's end zone and advances to B's 42 where he is downed.
B 1/10 A48. Tack-on. The kick crossed the neutral zone. A 4/16 A44 is unlikely.
4th/6 B46. A4's punt is bouncing on B's 8 where it hits B44. After the ball crosses the goal line, A88 pulls B44 in an attempt to recover the ball. B44 then pushes A88 in the back, recovers the ball and advances to B's 42 where he is downed.
B 1/10 A48. Tack-on. The kick crossed the neutral zone. A player may legally push, but may not pull, a player to recover a loose ball that he may legally recover. A 4/16 A44 is unlikely.
4th/6 B46. A4's punt is bouncing on B's 8 where B22 bats the ball into B's end zone. B44 recovers the ball and advances to B's 42 where he is downed. After the ball crosses the goal line, A88 bats the ball. A33 is flagged for holding on A's 42 prior to the punt.
B 1/10 A48. Tack-on for either Team A foul. The kick crossed the neutral zone. B22 did not foul. A 4/16 A44 is unlikely.
4th/6 B46. A4's punt is blocked. The kick does not cross the neutral zone. A4 recovers on A's 37 while grounded. Team A was flagged for an illegal formation.
B 1/10 A37. No tack-on. The kick did not cross the neutral zone. Forget A 4/11 A49.
4th/6 B46. A4's punt crosses the neutral zone and rebounds behind the neutral zone where A33 recovers on A's 48. Team A was flagged for an illegal formation.
B 1/10 A43. Tack-on. The kick did cross the neutral zone. The ball belongs to Team B per Rule 6-3-6.
4th/10 A20. A4's punt is blocked. The ball does not cross the neutral zone. A89 recovers and advances to A's 26 where he is downed. A66 commits a personal foul during the kick.
B 1/10 A26. No tack-on. The kick did not cross the neutral zone. Also, the dead ball belongs to Team A per Rule 2-4-2.
pigskin@romgilbert.us / August 6, 2016 / (p-1605)