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1 | Team A blocking on free kick before eligible to touch ball. |
Reviewable. 6-1-12 |
2 | Forward pass from beyond the neutral zone or after a change of team possession. |
Reviewable. 7-3-2 |
3 | Illegal forward handing from beyond neutral zone or after a change of team possession. |
Reviewable. 7-1-6 |
4 | Punt from beyond neutral zone. |
Reviewable. 6-3-10-c |
5 | More than eleven players on field at snap. |
Reviewable. 3-5-3-c |
6 | Interference with live ball action in field of play by non-player. |
Reviewable. 9-2-3 |
7 | Free kick out of bounds when receiver did not touch ball. |
Reviewable. 6-2-1 |
8 | Illegal touching of a forward pass by ineligible receiver by number. NOTE: Covered "eligibles" by number not reviewable. |
Reviewable. 7-3-11 |
9 | Illegal touching of a forward pass after being out of bounds (not blocked). |
Reviewable. 7-3-4 |
10 | Kicking team player goes out of bounds and returns inbounds (not blocked). |
Not reviewable. |
11 | Pass interference flagged but pass touched prior by player or official and/or pass did not cross neutral zone. |
Reviewable. No foul. 7-3-8 |
12 | Defensive holding downfield flagged but pass did, or did not, cross neutral zone. |
Reviewable. Auto first down? |
13 | Illegal touching flagged but pass touched by a Team B player or official. |
Reviewable. No foul. 7-3-11 |
14 | Team A flagged for free kick out of bounds but touched by inbounds Team B player. |
Reviewable. No foul. 6-2-1 |
15 | Team B flagged for roughing/running into kicker but punt touched by a Team B player. |
Reviewable. No foul. 9-1-16 |
16 | Team A flagged for ineligible receiver downfield but ball did not cross neutral zone. |
Reviewable. No foul. 7-3-10 |
17 | Team A flagged for holding in A's end zone but hold occurs in field of play or vice versa. |
Not reviewable. |
18 | Team A flagged for illegal forward pass in A's end zone but pass thrown from field of play. |
Reviewable. 7-3-2 |
19 | Team A flagged for illegal forward pass in field of play but pass clearly thrown from A's end zone. |
Not reviewable. TS for Team B. |