


f/k A35. A6's kick is high and short. A88 leaps on A's 47 near the sideline and bats the ball backward to A's 42 where A77 recovers. Two Team B players were in the immediate area to catch the kick but a fair catch signal was not given by either player.
B 1/10 A32. The batting by A88 is legal. The foul is interference with opportunity to catch a kick. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul, A's 47. (6-4-1) NOTE: Tough call for any official.
f/k A35. A6's kick bounces high after being kicked into the ground on A's 36. A88 leaps on A's 47 near the sideline and bats the ball backward to A's 42 where A77 recovers. B26 had given a fair catch signal and was next to where A89 batted the ball.
B 1/10 A32. The batting by A88 is legal. The foul is interference with opportunity to catch a kick. The 15-yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul, A's 42. (6-4-1)
f/k A35. A6's kick bounces high after being kicked into the ground on A's 36. A88 leaps on A's 47 near the sideline and bats the ball backward to A's 45 where A77 muffs the ball. A88 landed out of bounds after the bat but returned inbounds and recovered the muff on A's 48.
A f/k A30. The result of the play is A 1/10 A48. The batting is legal. A88's recovery is legal. A88 fouled when he returned inbounds after being out of bounds voluntarily during the down. The 5-yard penalty is enforced from the previous spot, A's 35. (6-1-11)
f/k A35. A6's kick bounces high after being kicked into the ground on A's 36. A88 leaps on A's 47 near the sideline and bats the ball backward to A's 45 where A77 muffs the ball. B67 picks up the ball and starts to advance. A88, who landed out of bounds after the bat, returns inbounds and tackles B67 on A's 39.
B 1/10 A34. The batting is legal. A88 fouled when he returned inbounds after being out of bounds voluntarily during the down. The 5-yard penalty is enforced from the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B, A's 39.
f/k A35. A4's free kick is very high and short. B22 signals for a fair catch and misjudges the ball. The ball goes over his head and hits the ground. A55 muffs the ball on A's 47. The ball is recovered by B85 on A's 43. B22 holds A55 on A's 46 after his signal.
B 1/10 B39. A player of Team B who has made a valid or invalid signal for a fair catch and does not touch the ball shall not block or foul an opponent during that down. During a free kick, the 15-yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the foul, A's 46. (6-5-4)
f/k A35. A6's kick bounces high after being kicked into the ground on A's 36. A88 leaps on A's 42 and bats the ball forward. A84 recovers the ball while upright on A's 44 and falls forward to the ground on A's 46.
B 1/10 A34. A88 commits an illegal touching violation and an illegal batting foul. The 10-yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the illegal recovery, A's 44. (9-4-1-c)
f/k A35. While the untouched free kick is rolling on A's 42, A86 blocks B62 above the waist on A's 46. At about the same time and while the ball is on A's 43, B96 blocks kicker A4 above the waist on A's 42. A96 recovers the untouched kick on A's 46.
A f/k A30. The block by B96 on kicker A4 is legal. A86's block is an illegal block since a Team A player was not eligible to touch the free kicked ball. The penalty is five yards from the previous spot, A's 35. Team A is in possession when the down ends. (6-1-9)

pigskin@romgilbert.us / July 7, 2015 (0211) / (p-1505)