4-1-3: A live ball becomes dead and an official shall sound his whistle or declare it dead. NOTE: {h} implies 4-1-3-h.

12-3-3: Reviewable plays involving potential dead balls and loose balls include: (c) Live ball not ruled dead in possession of a ball carrier.




4th/6 A44. B44 gives a fair catch signal and catches the ball on B's 24. The ball is not declared dead. B44 carries to B's 49 where he is pushed out of bounds.
B 1/10 B24. Ball dead when caught. Reset game clock to the time B44 caught the ball. Fouls for delay of game are not usually called when officials screw up. (2015 Case Play 109)
4th/6 A44. B45 gives a fair catch signal. B44, unaware of the signal by B45, catches the ball on B's 24. The ball is not declared dead. B44 returns the ball for a touchdown.
B 1/10 B24. Ball dead when caught. Reset game clock to the time B44 caught the ball. (2015 Case Play 111)
4th/6 A44. A6's punt is rolling beyond the neutral zone when B44 alerts his teammates to stay away from the ball by a "get away" signal. B44 recovers the ball on B's 24 and retreats to B's 16 where he is downed.
B 1/10 B24. Ball dead when recovered. The game clock is reset to the time that B44 recovered the ball. (2015 A.R. 6-5-3-V) (2015 Case Play 110)
4th/goal B1. The score is A24-B28. A39 does not get control of a handoff from A14 on B's 4. The ball rolls into B's end zone where A39 recovers. Time expires in the fourth quarter during the down.
Game over. Final score A24-B28. The fumble is by A14, not A39. (2-11-1) The ball is returned to the spot of the fumble, B's 4.
3rd/goal B8. A16 takes the snap and simulates placing his knee on the ground on B's 12. He then rises and throws a touchdown pass to A88.
A 4/goal B12. The ball becomes dead when a ball carrier, includes kick returner, simulates placing his knee on the ground. {o} Game clock continues to run in this play.
4th/16 A44. The snap is high. A7 takes the snap and starts to run. A7 is at A's 47 when he punts the ball. B44 catches the ball on B's 18 and runs to A's 16 where he is downed.
B 1/10 A39. The ball becomes dead when the ball is kicked. {h} Reset game clock. The penalty is five yards from the previous spot and carries a loss of down.
4th/17 B47. B44 is in position to catch A7's punt on B's 9. The ball slips though B44's hands and hits the ground. An official, thinking that B44 caught the ball, moves in and gives a dead ball signal. Then, B44 picks up the ball and is downed at the 50.
A 4/17 B47; Snap. The ball becomes dead when the official signals the ball dead. Team B never got team possession. The ball was loose during a scrimmage kick. The ball is returned to the previous spot and the down repeated. {a,b}
3rd/12 B32. The score is A24-B28. A88 catches A17's legal forward pass and is hit in the back by B44 on B's 4. A88's helmet comes completely off on B's 2 as A88 continues into B's end zone. Time expires in the fourth quarter during A88's run.
Game over. Final score A24-B28. The ball becomes dead when a ball carrier's helmet comes completely off. {q}
pigskin@romgilbert.us / July 6, 2015 (0327) / (p-1503)