The goal line runs between, and includes, the pylons which are out of bounds. The goal line plane extends beyond the pylons when a ball carrier (a) touches the pylon; or (b) touches the ground in the end zone. Assume that ball carrier is advancing for a touchdown toward the right goal line pylon with the ball in his right hand. Reference: NCAA Bulletin on forward progress for ball carrier out of bounds dated June, 2011.




The ball carrier is airborne including striding. The ball (a) touches the pylon; (b) goes over the top of the pylon; or (c) crosses the goal line inside the pylon. A88 then steps out of bounds on or outside the sideline.
Touchdown. It is a touchdown in (a), (b) and (c). The ball carrier has possession of a live ball when the ball penetrates the plane of the opponent's goal line.
The ball crosses the sideline on the one yardline and breaks the plane of the goal line beyond the pylon. The ball carrier then steps inbounds just inside the end zone.
Touchdown. The goal line is extended beyond the pylon.
The ball crosses the sideline on the one yardline and breaks the plane of the goal line beyond the pylon. The ball carrier then steps on the sideline just inside the end zone.
Ball dead on the one. The sideline is out of bounds and is not part of the end zone. Therefore, the goal line is not extended beyond the pylon.
The ball carrier is airborne including striding. The ball crosses the sideline on the one yardline and breaks the plane of the goal line beyond the pylon. The ball carrier then touches the pylon.
Touchdown. The goal line is extended since the ball carrier touched the pylon.
The ball crosses the sideline on the one yardline and breaks the plane of the goal line beyond the pylon. The ball carrier then steps on the sideline just short of the goal line.
Ball dead on the one. The ball is ruled out of bounds at the crossing point.
The ball crosses the sideline on the two yardline and is over the one yardline extended beyond the sideline when the ball carrier's foot hits the pylon.
Ball dead on the one. The ball becomes dead when the ball carrier's foot hits the pylon. Forward progress is the one yardline.
The ball carrier is airborne including striding. The ball crosses the sideline on the one yardline and breaks the plane of the goal line beyond the pylon. The ball carrier then lands outside the sideline.
Ball dead on the one. The goal line is not extended beyond the pylon since A88 did not touch the pylon or the ground in the end zone.
The ball carrier is tight roping down the right sideline. The ball in his right hand crosses the sideline over the two yardline. He then steps on the sideline on the two yardline. At that time, the ball is over the one yardline extended out of bounds.
Ball dead on the one yardline. The most forward point of the ball when declared out of bounds between the goal lines is the point of forward progress.
The ball carrier is tight roping down the right sideline. The ball in his right hand crosses the sideline over the two yardline. He then strides over the sideline at the two yardline and steps on the ground outside the sideline. At that time, the ball is over the one yardline extended out of bounds.
Ball dead on the two yardline. The most forward point where the ball crossed the sideline between the goal lines is the point of forward progress.
Rom Gilbert / pigskin@romgilbert.us / July 22, 2014 / (p-1408)