Penalty Enforcement - Basic Spot - 10-2-2-d-2 (Plays 1-7)

Rule 10-2-2-d-2-
a: [20] foul after team possession change in end zone - related run ends in end zone - result of play is a touchback.
c: [GL] foul after team possession change in end zone - related run ends in end zone - result of play not a touchback.
b: [GL] foul after team possession change in field of play - related run ends in end zone. (Exception: Momentum)




B44 intercepts A19's legal forward pass in B's end zone. B44 fumbles prior to the ball returning to the field of play. B92 recovers in B's end zone and advances to B's 3 where he is downed. During B44's running play, B64 commits a holding foul on B's 4.
Safety. B f/k B20. Basic spot is B's goal line. Team possession changes in B's end zone. B44's related run ends in B's end zone. However, the result of the play is not a touchback but B 1/10 B3. [c]
B44 intercepts A19's legal forward pass in B's end zone. B44 fumbles prior to the ball returning to the field of play. B92 recovers in B's end zone and advances to B's 3 where he is fumbles. A66 recovers, fumbles on B's 2 and the ball hits the goal line pylon. During B44's running play, B64 commits a holding foul on B's 4.
B 1/10 B2. Basic spot is B's 20. Team possession changes in B's end zone. B44's related run ends in B's end zone. The result of the play is a touchback. [a]
B44 intercepts A16's legal forward pass in B's end zone and fumbles. B56 recovers the ball while grounded in B's end zone without the ball returning to the field of play. After B44's possession, B96 commits a personal foul on B's 8.
B 1/10 B4. Basic spot is B's 20. Team possession changes in B's end zone. Related run ends in B's end zone. Result of the play is a touchback. Spot of Team B's foul is behind basic spot. [a]
B44 intercepts A19's legal forward pass in B's end zone. B44 fumbles prior to the ball returning to the field of play. The ball is on B's 2 when A77 bats or kicks the ball into and out of B's end zone.
B 1/10 B30. Basic spot is B's 20. Team possession changes in B's end zone. Related run ends in B's end zone. Result of the play is a touchback. When the ball became dead in B's end zone, the new impetus became A77's bat. [a]
B44 intercepts a forward pass in his end zone and begins his return. B44 fumbles on B's 7 when A66 grabs and twists his facemask. A80 recovers on B's 3, fumbles on B's 2 and the ball strikes the goal line pylon.
B 1/10 B22. Basic spot is B's 7. Team possession changes in B's end zone. Result of the play is a touchback. However, related run did not end in B's end zone. [Rule 10-2-2-d-1-(c) applies]
B44 muffs A5's punt on B's 8 and then recovers the ball in B's end zone. B44 fumbles prior to the ball returning to the field of play. B96 recovers in B's end zone and advances to B's 2 where he is downed. During B44's running play, A77 commits a personal foul.
B 1/10 B15. Basic spot is B's goal line. Team possession changes in B's end zone. B44's related run ends in B's end zone. However, the result of the play is not a touchback but B 1/10 B2. [c]
B44 recovers A88's fumble in B's end zone. B44 fumbles prior to the ball returning to the field of play. The ball rolls to B's 1 where (a) A76 or (b) B54 muffs the ball into B's goal line pylon. After B44's recovery, A77 commits a personal foul.
B 1/10 B15. Basic spot is B's goal line. Team possession changes in B's end zone. B44's related run ended in B's end zone. The result of the play is not a touchback but a safety. When the ball hit the pylon, the new impetus became B44's fumble. [c]
Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu / July 14, 2014 / (p-1405)