NOTE: Unless otherwise stated or implied, assume for each play that (a) there is less than one minute remaining in either half; (b) the game clock is running; and (c) neither team has timeouts remaining. There is no ZAP 10 if a team has time outs remaining and takes a team timeout.




3rd/4 B24. A33 advances to B's 16 where he runs out of bounds. After the ready, B96 comes across the neutral zone and contacts A75. Game clock?
A 1/5 B11; Snap. The clock would not have started until the snap. The foul did not cause the clock to stop. Thus, there is no ZAP 10.
4th/10 A20. The score is A28-B25. Potential kicker is back to kick. The play clock runs out. The game clock shows 0:48. Game clock?
A 4/15 A15; Snap. Dead ball foul. Team B will not accept the ZAP 10 since they expect to get the ball. Since no ZAP 10, the clock starts on the snap.
2nd/14 B40. The score is A24-B28. A88 advances to B's 17 where he throws a backward pass out of bounds to conserve time. The ball rolls out of bounds on B's 21. The game clock shows 0:28. Game clock?
A 1/10 B22; Ready. The illegal pass foul caused the clock to stop. The first down is irrelevant. Team B will accept the penalty and can and will accept the ZAP 10. Thus, the clock starts on the ready.
4th/12 B32. The score is A28-B27. B96 comes across the neutral zone and contacts A75. A75 retaliates with a dead ball personal foul. The game clock shows 0:33 in the second half. Clock?
A 4/22 B42; Ready. Game will end. Penalties are enforced in order of occurrence. Team A will accept the offside penalty so can and will accept the ZAP 10 and run out the clock. Team B cannot unzap the ZAP 10 since Team A's foul did not stop the clock.
A 3/6 B20. A24 fumbles on B's 12 and the ball rolls out of bounds on B's 9. After the ball rolls out of bounds, A76 blocks late. There are 9 seconds left on the clock in the first half.
A 1/10 B27; Ready. There is no ZAP 10 since the clock was stopped when the dead ball foul occurred.
A 3/6 B20. Ball carrier A24 is hit on B's 12 and his helmet comes off. After the helmet comes off, A76 blocks late. There are 9 seconds left on the clock in the first half.
A 1/10 B27; Ready. The first down is a reason to stop the clock other than the helmet off. Thus, there is no ZAP 10. ZAP 10 would apply if A24 was short of a first down.
A 3/6 B40. A24 is close to a first down on B's 34. After the ball is dead, A76 blocks late. There are 9 seconds left on the clock in the first half. A measurement shows the ball one inch short of a first down.
A 4/15 B49; Ready. Team B may accept the ZAP 10 since the clock was running when the foul occurred. If they accept the ZAP 10, then the half is over and the penalty carries over to the second half.
A 3/6 B40. A24 is close to a first down on B's 34. After the ball is dead, A76 blocks late. There are 9 seconds left on the clock in the first half. A measurement shows the ball one inch beyond the line to gain.
A 1/10 B49; Ready. There is no ZAP 10 since the clock was stopped when the dead ball foul occurred.
A 3/6 B20. B44 recovers A16's fumble and runs out of bounds on A's 12. B96 was offside. After the penalty is enforced, making it A 3/1 B15, A55 commits an illegal snap foul. There are 9 seconds left on the clock in the first half.
A 3/6 B20; Ready. Team B may accept the ZAP 10 since the clock was running when the illegal snap foul occurred. If they accept the ZAP 10, then the half is over. The penalty does not carry over to the second half.
Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu / August 29, 2013 / (p-1311)