# |
1 | Single wing tailback runs sweep and is downed short of a first down. |
Runs |
40 |
2 | A88 runs out of bounds. Game clock not under two minutes in half. |
Ready |
40 |
3 | A88 runs out of bounds. Game clock under two minutes in half. |
Snap |
40 |
4 | B44 runs out of bounds. Team A next snaps the ball. |
Ready |
25 |
5 | B44 runs out of bounds. Team B next snaps the ball. |
Snap |
25 |
6 | A88 fumbles forward and out of bounds. |
Ready |
40 |
7 | A88 fumbles backward and out of bounds. Or, A88's backward pass goes out of bounds (no foul). Game clock not under two minutes in half. |
Ready |
40 |
8 | A88 fumbles backward and out of bounds. Or, A88's backward pass goes out of bounds (no foul). Game clock under two minutes in half. |
Snap |
40 |
9 | A88 fumbles. B44 recovers and fumbles. A88 recovers while grounded. [A-B-A] |
Ready |
40 |
10 | Team A or Team B commit a foul. Only reason for clock to stop. No ZAP 10 option. |
Ready |
25 |
11 | Team A or Team B commit a foul. Only reason for clock to stop. ZAP 10 option. |
3-4-4-c |
25 |
12 | Team A helmet off or Team A injury. Only reason for clock to stop. No ZAP 10 option. |
Ready |
25 |
13 | Team B helmet off or Team B injury. Only reason for clock to stop. No ZAP 10 option. |
Ready |
40 |
14 | Team A or Team B helmet off. Only reason for clock to stop. ZAP 10 option. |
3-3-9-b |
25 |
15 | Team A injury. Only reason for clock to stop. ZAP 10 accepted. (3-3-5-f-2) |
Ready |
25 |
16 | Team A injury. Only reason for clock to stop. ZAP 10 declined. (3-3-5-f-2) |
Snap |
25 |
17 | Team B injury. Only reason for clock to stop. ZAP 10 accepted. (3-3-5-f-2) |
Ready |
40 |
18 | Team B injury. Only reason for clock to stop. ZAP 10 declined. (3-3-5-f-2) |
Snap |
40 |
19 | A88's or B44's helmet comes off, or, Team A or Team B injury. Team B next snaps the ball. Common sense on play clock. |
Snap |
25 |