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1 | 4th/16 A4. A8's punt lands on A's 7, takes a reverse bounce and rolls out of bounds on A's 2. B76 tackles A8 in A's end zone during the kick. |
B 1/10 A12 . PSKE applies. The PSK spot is A's 2. This spot is behind the spot of the foul. |
2 | 4th/6 A14. A8's punt is blocked and rolls out of bounds on A's 2. B76 tackles A8 in A's end zone during the kick. |
A 1/10 A24 . PSKE does not apply. The punt did not cross the neutral zone. |
3 | 4th/10 A20. B88 holds A88 on A's 24 before A6 punts the ball. The ball rolls out of bounds on B's 46. |
A 1/10 A30 . PSKE does not apply since the foul occurred before the ball was kicked. |
4 | 4th/10 A30. B96 pulls A66 out of the way so B56 can shoot the gap to attempt to block the punt. A7's punt rolls out of bounds on B's 36. |
A 1/10 A40 . PSKE does not apply since the foul likely occurred before the ball was kicked. The same logic applies when the snapper is rolled up following the snap. |
5 | 4th/18 A32. A8 punts. Before A8 regains his balance, B96 rolls into A8's legs and wipes him out. The ball rolls out of bounds on B's 29. |
A 1/10 A47 . PSKE does not apply. Roughing and running into the kicker fouls have their own penalty enforcement (9-1-16). |
6 | 4th/8 A32. B44 catches A4's punt on B's 28 and advances to A's 7 where he fumbles. The ball hits A's goal line pylon. B96 blocks A54 in the back on B's 48 during the kick. |
A 1/10 A42. PSKE does not apply since Team A will next put the ball in play because of the touchback. |
7 | 4th/8 A32. B44 catches A4's punt on B's 28 and advances to B's 36 where he fumbles. A56 recovers and advances to B's 4 where he fumbles. The ball hit B's goal line pylon. B96 blocks A54 in the back on B's 48 during the kick. |
B 1/10 B18. PSKE applies since Team B will next snap the ball because of the touchback. The PSK spot is the end of the kick, B's 28. PSKE does not apply if A56 is downed on B's 4. |
8 | 4th/6 B46. A88 commits an illegal touching violation on B's 18. B44 picks up the ball on B's 12, circles backward and fumbles on B's 2. A84 recovers in B's end zone. B96 blocked A56 below the waist on B's 24 during the kick. |
Touchdown. Penalties for unsportsmanlike and personal fouls by the nonscoring team during a down that ends in a touchdown are enforced on the try or the succeeding kickoff. If B96's foul was a block in the back, it would be A 1/10 B36. |
9 | 4th/6 B46. A88 commits an illegal touching violation on B's 18. B44 picks up the ball on B's 12, circles backward and fumbles on B's 2. B48 recovers in B's end zone while grounded. B96 blocked A56 below the waist on B's 24 during the kick. |
B 1/10 B6. PSKE applies since Team B will next put the ball in play because of the safety. The PSK spot is B's 12, the end of the kick. If Team A declines the penalty, Team B will take the ball at the spot of illegal touching, B's 18. |