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1 | A f/k A35. Team B forms an illegal wedge on B's 22. B44 catches the ball on B's 10 and fumbles on B's 18. B86 recovers while grounded on B's 26. |
B 1/10 B11. Spot of foul is behind subsequent dead ball spot. Penalty enforced from B's 22, the spot of the foul. |
2 | A f/k A35. Team B forms an illegal wedge on B's 22. B44 catches the ball on B's 10 and fumbles on B's 18. B86 recovers while grounded on B's 26. During the fumble, B84 holds A88 on B's 24. |
B 1/10 B9. Team A will accept the penalty for holding foul. Acceptance of the penalty for the illegal wedge would result in B 1/10 B11. |
3 | A f/k A35. Team B forms an illegal wedge on B's 22. B44 catches the ball on B's 10 and advances to B's 26 where he fumbles. The ball rolls backward and (a) out of bounds on B's 16; or (b) recovered on B's 16 by B77 while grounded. |
B 1/10 B8. Foul. In both (a) and (b), penalty is enforced from B's 16, the spot where the subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B. |
4 | A f/k A35. Team B forms an illegal wedge on B's 22. B44 catches the ball on B's 10 and advances to B's 26 where he fumbles. The ball rolls backward and is recovered by A66 while grounded on B's 16. |
A 1/10 B16. Foul. The penalty is declined. |
5 | A f/k A35. Team B forms an illegal wedge on B's 22 before B44 catches the ball. In an attempt to break up the wedge, A66 blocks below the waist against B84. B44 catches the ball on B's 10 and runs for an apparent touchdown. |
A f/k A35. Fouls offset. Penalties cancel. |
6 | A f/k A20. B44 catches the ball on B's 30 and advances to A's 8 where he fumbles when A55 twists his face mask. B79 recovers on A's 2 while grounded. Team B forms an illegal wedge on B's 48 after B44 catches the ball. Time is a factor for Team B. |
B 1/10 B33. The subsequent dead ball belongs to Team B. Team B will likely decline offsetting fouls. Team A will then accept the penalty for Team B's foul. If Team B accepts offsetting fouls, it will be A f/k A20. |
7 | A f/k A35. Clock shows 7:30 in first period. Team B forms an illegal wedge on B's 22. B44 catches the ball on B's 10 and advances to A's 8 where he fumbles. A66 recovers on A's 2 and voluntarily retreats into A's end zone where he is downed. |
A f/k 50. Foul. Subsequent dead ball belongs to Team A. Penalty accepted. |
8 | A f/k A35. The score is A28-B24. Clock shows 0:05 in fourth quarter. Team B forms an illegal wedge on B's 22. B44 catches the ball on B's 10 and advances to A's 8 where he fumbles. A66 recovers on A's 2 and voluntarily retreats into A's end zone where he is downed. Time expires during the down. |
Game ends. Final score is A28-B26. Foul. Subsequent dead ball belongs to Team A. Penalty declined. Safety. |