Punt Shield - 9-1-11

9-1-11: A Team B player may not attempt to block a punt by leaving his feet in an attempt to jump directly over a Team A player behind the neutral zone inside the tackle box. If is not a foul if the player jumps straight up without attempting to jump over the opponent. It is also not a foul if the player jumps through or over the gap between two players. NOTE: In the following plays, assume that A33, A55 and A77 form the punt shield and are lined up between the tackles.




4th/8 A32. B96 jumps over A33 and lands on his head. B96 (a) contacts A33; or (b) does not contact A33. A4's punt rolls out of bounds on B's 39.
A 1/10 A47. Personal foul in (a) and (b). Contact with the opponent is not required to call a foul.
4th/8 A32. B96 jumps through the gap between A33 and A55. A4's punt rolls out of bounds on B's 39.
B 1/10 B39. No foul. B96 did not attempt to jump over an opponent.
4th/8 A32. B96 jumps over A33. While B96 is airborne, A33 blocks B96 below the waist. A4's punt rolls out of bounds on B's 39.
A 1/10 A47. Personal foul on B96. A33 does not foul since B96 did not have one or both feet on the ground when blocked.
4th/8 A32. B96 jumps over A33. A4 muffs the ball following the snap and is downed on A's 24.
B 1/10 A24. B96 cannot block a punt when there is no punt. No punt. No foul.
4th/8 A32. B96 jumps straight up without attempting to jump over A33. A4's punt rolls out of bounds on B's 39.
B 1/10 B39. B96 jumped straight up which is not a foul.
4th/8 A32. B96 jumps over A33. A4, anticipating that his punt could be blocked, runs out of the tackle box and punts. The ball rolls out of bounds on B's 39.
A 1/10 A47. B96 did attempt to block a punt and there was a punt. There is no foul if A4 does not punt the ball. Officials should not have to count steps.
4th/8 A32. B96 jumps over A33 and blocks A4's punt. A4 recovers on A's 18 and advances to B's 48 where he is downed.
A 1/10 B48. The 15-yard penalty for B96's personal foul is declined.
4th/8 A32. B96 jumps through the gap between A33 and A55. While B96 is airborne, A33 slides over in front of B96 is is knocked down by B96. A4's punt rolls out of bounds on B's 39.
B 1/10 B39. No foul. B96 jumped through a gap between two players. The gap existed when B96 jumped.
4th/8 A32. A33 steps forward and blocks B96 below the waist in the tackle box just as B96 is about to leave his feet. A4 catches the ball after the snap and throws a legal forward pass to A88. A88 advances to A's 44 where he is downed.
A 1/10 A44. A33 is unrestricted at the snap. Since there was no punt, the block by A33 is legal.
Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu / July 16, 2012 / (p-1210)