MOMENTUM (8-5-1-Exceptions)




B44 intercepts A11's legal forward pass on B's 3 and his momentum carries him into B's end zone where he fumbles. B96 recovers in B's end zone while grounded. B44's fumble remained in B's end zone.
B 1/10 B3. The momentum exception applies.
B44 intercepts A12's legal forward pass on B's 3 and his momentum carries him into B's end zone where he fumbles. The ball rolls out the back of B's end zone. A66 commits a block in the back foul anywhere during B44's fumble.
B 1/10 B13. The 10-yard penalty is enforced from the spot of the interception, B's 3. The momentum exception applies.
B44 intercepts A13's legal forward pass on B's 3 and his momentum carries him into B's end zone where he fumbles. The ball rolls out of bounds on B's 2.
B 1/10 B3. The fumble went forward and out of bounds between the goal lines. The ball is returned to the spot of the fumble. The momentum exception applies.
B44 intercepts A14's legal forward pass on B's 3 and his momentum carries him into B's end zone where he fumbles. B66 recovers on B's 5 while grounded. B55 commits a block in the back foul on B's 4 during the fumble.
Safety. B f/k B20. The basic spot is B's goal line. The momentum exception does not apply.
A9's free kick bounces off B44's chest in B's end zone and rolls into the field of play. B94 retreats toward B's goal line, recovers the ball on B's 4 and his momentum carries him into B's end zone where he is downed.
B 1/10 B4. The momentum exception applies.
B44 muffs A6's punt on B's 15 and bats the grounded ball backward. B44 recovers the ball on B's 4 and his momentum carries him into B's end zone where he is downed.
B 1/10 B4. The momentum exception applies.
B44 intercepts A17's legal forward pass on B's 4. B44 fumbles on B's 2 and the ball is recovered in B's end zone by B66 while grounded.
Safety. B f/k B20. The impetus is the fumble by B44. The momentum exception does not apply.
B98 intercepts or recovers A18's backward pass and advances to A's 6 where he fumbles. The ball rolls to A's 2 where A66 recovers. A66's momentum carries him into A's end zone where he is downed.
A 1/10 A2. The momentum exception applies in both cases.
B44 intercepts A19's legal forward pass on B's 3 and his momentum carries him into B's end zone where he fumbles. The ball rolls to B's 2 where B98 recovers and his momentum carries him into B's end zone where he is downed.
Safety. B f/k B20. The result of the play is a safety. The momentum exception does not apply.

Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu / June 19, 2010 / (p-1007)