
PLAY (* Ruling changes in 2011)


TD. An opponent of the scoring team commits a personal foul during the down.
The penalty must be enforced on the try. There is no succeeding kickoff. (10-2-5-a-1)
TD. A foul occurs after the touchdown but before the ready for play on the try.
The penalty must be enforced on the try. There is no succeeding kickoff. (10-2-5-c)
TD. The ball carrier taunts his opponent before he crosses the goal line.
Touchdown counts and the penalty must be enforced on the try. There is no succeeding kickoff. Applies to any live ball foul penalized as a dead ball foul. (10-2-5-c)
FG. A6 kicks a successful field goal. B96 commits a flagrant personal foul during the down behind or beyond the line of scrimmage.
DQ B96. If penalty is accepted, score canceled, extend period. Team A's ball. If penalty is declined, score counts. No postscrimmage kick enforcement when field goal successful. (10-2-5-d) [A.R. 10-2-3-IV]
FG. A6 kicks a successful field goal. A56 commits an unsportsmanlike foul during the down.
Team A scores 3 points. Penalty enforced to start extra period if there is an extra period. (10-2-5-d)
FG. A6 kicks an unsuccessful field goal from B's 20. B44 commits a personal foul on B's 9 during the down.
Postscrimmage kick enforcement applies. If penalty is accepted, extend period. Team B's ball. Penalty not enforced to start an extra period if there is an extra period. (10-2-3)
Try. B94 commits a personal foul during a successful kick. Team A takes one point.
Penalty enforced to start an extra period if there is an extra period. Team A could penalize, repeat the try and go for two points. (8-3-3-b-1) [A.R. 8-3-3-I].
Try. A88 catches pass in B's end zone after A88 hits the upright on a pass pattern.
Try ends. Cancel the score. Penalty carries a loss of down.
(7-3-4) (8-3-3-c-2)
Try. Team A or Team B scores two points. Either team commits a foul after the try ends.
In both cases, try successful. Penalty enforced to start an extra period if there is an extra period. (8-3-5)
Try. B44 recovers fumble, advances and crosses A's goal line. (a) A55 or (b) B66 commits a flagrant personal foul during B44's run.
DQ the offending player. (a) Team B scores two points. (b) Try unsuccessful. Penalty enforced to start an extra period if there is an extra period. If the foul is not flagrant, the penalty is declined by rule. (8-3-4-a)
Try. In the absence of a change of team possession, runner A22 taunts an opponent prior to crossing B's goal line.
Two points for Team A. Penalty enforced to start an extra period if there is an extra period. NOTE: No points for Team A if the foul occurs after a change of team possession. (8-3-3-d-2)
Try. B44 recovers fumble and advances. B44 taunts an opponent just prior to crossing A's goal line.
No points for Team B. Foul occurs after a change of team possession. Penalty enforced to start an extra period if there is an extra period. (8-3-4-b) (8-3-3-d-2)
Rom Gilbert / rom.gilbert@sfcollege.edu / June 14, 2010 / (p-1006)