2024 Individual Tax Information.
The following information was for 2023 tax returns. Information for 2024 tax returns will be posted if and when available.
As of January 10, 2024, the following information is not available for 2023 Individual Income Tax returns.
If you are claiming the earned Income Tax Credit or the Child tax Credit and are expecting a refund, the IRS has confirmed that it will begin issuing deposits the first week of March. Your refund will be available in your bank account or on any associated debit cards and may be used immediately.
Under the IRS laws, the IRS in unable to issue refunds to taxpayers claiming these tax credits before the middle of Fedruary.
The IRS is required to hold the taxpayer's entire refund until this time, even the portion of the refund not originatiing with either of these two credits.
The reason for this is to give the IRS the time it needs to conduct anti-fraud procedures and detect any errors. /
January 11, 2025 /